HD Snow White: The Fairest of Them All

Snow White: The Fairest of Them All

Snow White: The Fairest of Them All

IMDb: 5.8
93 min

Born from a drop of blood in a flutter of apple blossoms, and framed in ebony, a young girl named Snow White becomes the blessing of a loving peasant couple, John and Josephine. But with her birth comes a curse and the end of her mother's life. Left alone with an infant daughter, John braves a brutal winter in search of food for his starving angel. Salvation comes unexpectedly when the father's tears melt the frozen tomb of a bewitched creature, the Green-Eyed One. In thanks, the insinuating beast grants John three wishes: nourishment for Snow White, a kingdom in which to raise his family and a queen by his side. But John's cause for celebration is short-lived. For the Green-Eyed One has devious plans for the well-being of his own family. Owing his loathsome spellcasting daughter, Elspeth, a long-awaited wish, he encourages her desires for appointment to the throne. A kingdom to rule is hers for the waiting, the new King John is hers for the belittling and a luscious little ... Written by John Nickolaus

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HD Skinwalkers (2007)

Skinwalkers (2007)

Skinwalkers (2007)

IMDb: 4.6
110 min | 92 min (cut) | 89 min (DVD)

In accordance with the Navajos' legend, a thirteen year-old boy will finish with the curse of the powerful Skinwalkers, a.k.a. werewolves. The half-breed boy Timothy is raised by his human mother Rachel and protected by his Skinwalkers relatives since he was born. His grandmother Nana, his uncle Jonas, his cousin Katherine, her boyfriend Adam and their friend Doak have kept the secret about his bloodline and neither Timothy nor Rachel know the tragic curse. A couple of days before Timothy's thirteenth birthday, a pack of evil Skinwalkers that have tasted blood led by the evil Varek chases the boy while his family protects him. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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HD Legend of the Red Reaper

Legend of the Red Reaper

Legend of the Red Reaper

IMDb: 2.2
99 min

It's been 100 years since The Red Reaper, half human, half demon was traded to the demons by the Teller Witch - her own mother. Rescued by the Reapers, a sacred clan of human/ demon warriors, they raised her as their own, even though she was more demon than the rest of them. Abandoned by her mother, at odds with her Reaper family, struggling with her Reaper training and in love with one man she couldn't have - nothing was going right for the Red Reaper. She was untrained, untested and shared none of her mother's magical abilities. She couldn't even see the future, her mother's greatest gift. Until the day she did. And it changed the world forever. Written by T Card

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SD Neanderthal Apocalypse

Neanderthal Apocalypse

Neanderthal Apocalypse

IMDb: 7.2
88 min

40, 000 years ago the steppes of Eurasia were home to our closest human relative, the Neanderthals. Recent genetic and archaeological discoveries have proven that they were not the dim-witted cave dwellers we long thought they were. In fact, they were cultured, technologically savvy and more like us than we ever imagined! So why did they disappear? We accompany scientists on an exciting search for an answer to this question and come to a startling conclusion ... Written by ZDF Enterprises

Genre: Documentary,
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